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The Deep Dive with Renee Blundon

Dec 20, 2021

This episode about the Apnea Squats Challenge, an AWESOME dry training for freediving to prepare the legs for constant weight freediving and dynamic apnea in the pool.

To do this training, you always start with a static apnea breath-hold sitting on a chair (minimum 60 seconds static) and then do as many squats as you...

Dec 5, 2021

Today is day 1 of my 2022 freediving season. It's been almost two weeks since the Freediving World Cup competition, which marked the end of my 2021 season, and now I'm excited to apply all of the new insights I've learned throughout this year. Today I begin base training, starting with a swimming training session,...

Nov 20, 2021

A discussion with Sally Norton and Renee Blundon about oxalates and how they impact freediving, athletic performance and overall health.

We will discuss; what ARE oxalates, what foods are they in, how the ‘super foods’ we are consuming may not be so super (!!!), how low oxalate eating can be extremely beneficial for...

Nov 8, 2021

Today's episode is a guided freedive visualization, that you can listen to anytime before your freedive. Renee will guide you in creating an inspiring vivid mental picture of a deep target dive from start to finish.

Many freediving athletes routinely use visualization techniques as part of their mental training for...

Jun 29, 2021

"The Nose Is For Breathing, The Mouth is for Eating."

How do you breathe? Through your mouth or through your nose? It might be something you've never given much thought about. But on this episode, competitive freediver, Renee Blundon, will try to convince you that you should. 

Breathing through the nose, Renee believes,...